Half a century ago, the Saucon Valley was home to a group of motorcycle riders who lived life on the edge—and paid a heavy price. Ghost Riders of Saucon is my effort to make sure they’re remembered.

Ghost Riders of Saucon Bill Broun Ghost Riders of Saucon Bill Broun

Ghost Riders of Saucon (Part 4): The School Friend

Sometime around this era, Wayne’s parents in Bingen bought him a motorcycle. We’re not sure if it was a Harley, but probably not, at least not the larger cc Harley he ended up with. His sister-in-law, Lois Eisenhart, who lives in Oklahoma today, and was married to Wayne’s late brother, Ronald, speaks of Wayne’s first motorcycle purchase as a turning point of sorts, and emblematic of a kid who was doted upon. “He was loved,” Lois says. “He was the youngest boy,” and perhaps a bit “spoiled,” she says.

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Ghost Riders of Saucon (Part 3): Quiet, Then Not—Barry Lee Lesher

There’s certainly a strong current of this basic narrative among all those who present the mid-1970s Hellertown of Legend. And I feel it myself, pretty deeply at times. Wayne somehow feels more accessible to me and magnetic. Barry Lee is harder to get—a child of chaos, and harder to like.

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